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             [photo source : The Guardian] LURNAY TSHABALALA-MAVUSO | 24 MARCH 2023 | Politics, Law & Society  I was about to go to bed as the news about Uganda having passed a bill that imposes hate crime and worst of it all, a DEATH SENTENCE upon Ugandian citizens who identify themselves as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. My question of distraught and shatteredness to the Ugandian government is , KUFANELE KWENZAKALENI which translates to in English – WHAT MUST HAPPEN?  What Must Happen with what? What must happen with the people whose rights to live and to be free ,when they are infringed by the very same government that is supposed to love and protect them. The very same government that should ensure safety and security for all the citizens of Uganda, or rather let me say that, the very same government that claims to ensure safety and security for its citizens. The very same government that claims to be the seekers of peace and most importantly the gover


By Lurnay Tshabalala-Mavuso | Essay | Feb 2023 | Personal Development  Download A Copy Here For Free   Sometimes we spend years and years looking in places that we aren’t supposed to look in, end up getting ourselves into situations that become hard to get out of and even go to an extent of giving up on ourselves because we have now found belief that our purpose and destiny does not exist. This happens to so many of us and as it happens we start losing ourselves bit by bit, and we start adopting habits that eat us up to the bone and when our skeletons are now unhidden we want to duck whilst we have already been seen for who and what we are. That is why you find people asking themselves questions about you, saying “What happened to him/her?, she/he used to be really smart” , the real truth is that you aren’t ‘used-to be”, you are still smart, you have just passed through experiences in your life that have changed you and also suppressed the smart you. What you also did not k

Is Justice really served when we just put the perpetrator behind bars and forget about the victim?

By Lurnay Tshabalala-Mavuso | Law & Legal Analysis | Jan 2023 WHAT IS JUSTICE ?  Justice is the idea of fairness and impartiality, especially with regard to the punishment of wrong doing.  This question has been sprawling in my thoughts for the first three years I have spent in law school. Even today I still ask myself the very same question, is Justice really served when we just put the perpetrator behind bars and forget about the victim?, and I believe that I have found the answer to that question. Justice isn’t being fully served when we just put the perpetrator behind bars and forget about the victim. I know many of you reading this piece right now are asking themselves, HOW DO WE FORGET ABOUT THE VICTIM?, let me tell you how, we forget about the victim by focusing on proving the actions of the perpetrator and not bearing in mind that in that process the victim gets to re-live the traumatic experience when they have to answer questions in a court cross-examination,